First International Conference Afro-Mediterranean Soils

First International Conference Afro-Mediterranean Soils

From the web of the INRA Morocco

First International Conference Afro-Mediterranean Soils: Constraints and Potentialities for Durable Management

Healthy soils are crucial for ensuring food and fiber productions, resilience, adaptation and mitigation to climate change and variability. These challenges are more alarming in Afro-Mediterranean countries. As global economie growth and demographie shifts increase in these countries, the demand for vegetation in general and by products in particular (such as wood), animal feed, increases too, thus putting soils under tremendous pressure and rising their risk of degradation. ln fact, desertification and soil degradation (erosion, salinization, etc.) are features of the landscape in these countries. Therefore, it is of capital importance to shift these trends by developing a new vision, including recent developments and technologies for managing soils to ensure a better fertility and environment conservation, and respond to the Climate Smart Agriculture approach.

Therefore, the Fondation OCP and INRA Morocco in partnership with the FAO, will organize the first Conference on Afro-Mediterranean soils, on December 181h and 191h 2015, in Marrakech, on the occasion of the International Year of Soils. This conference focuses on the theats to soils and remedies needed for durable soil management, use and conservation.

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